Living With Intention
Oftentimes we forget that life is a great privilege, honor and gift. We easily overlook all the beauty that appears and miraculous events that transpire in our everyday lives. It’s easy to do. In the day-to-day it’s easy to get caught up in stress, worry, fear, in the challenges we face, or the chaos surrounding us from time to time. And when we permit this to happen, it’s easy to allow ourselves to fall out of gratitude and appreciation for life. And this is exactly what we cannot allow ourselves to do, that is, if we are serious about raising the bar on our lives and elevating ourselves. In order to live great lives, we must set positive intentions, for great lives spring forth out of great intentions.
When you set intentions for your days and have intentions for your life’s direction, you are more apt to find passion in your life and to have to have purpose interwoven in there too. Intentions are similar to goals and yet different as well. Intentions are the cornerstone of creating a life of purpose and excellence. Well set intentions are like a path that we stake out, which then becomes illuminated for us to walk down. They pave the way for light and luminosity to shine through. It’s important for each of us to stay true to our intentions and to what we are trying to accomplish and/or manifest. And when we consciously set intentions that’s exactly what happens—a well-trodden path appears where there was once only a forest of trees.
When you wake up each morning it’s a good idea to set conscious intentions about how you want your day to turn out and how you choose to experience the day. If you choose to have a peaceful, harmonious day you have to intend it first. If you choose to be loving, kind, brave, inspiring, successful or etc. you have to intend it first. A lot of people just go through their days on autopilot, unconsciously, which is the opposite of Living With Intention however. When you live with intention you decide in advance how your day is going to go, how you are going to show up, the characteristics you are going to embody that particular day. The same thing goes with long term goals and visions you are trying to bring forth and manifest. It starts with a desire, then setting a clear intention, and then working towards bringing forth your vision by taking the necessary steps needed to advance your cause. Living With Intention is synonymous with living with passion, excitement, purpose and clarity. It starts with the mind and utilizing the very powers we are all born with to keep oneself focused, pointed in a positive direction and steadily advancing in the direction one wishes to go. It is living consciously rather than unconsciously. It isn’t easy, but it is so worth the effort required.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2022,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews
which include authors’ name