Going to the Source
Life can be sweet, beautiful and harmonious when we feel a connection to a power greater than us. Our source energy can help make us feel energized, alive, revitalized and passionate about life. It can help transform our fears into fearlessness, our weaknesses into strengths, and our doubts into certainty. When we summon it, it responds willingly and gives us inspiration, hope, courage, strength and inner power. When you connect to your source, you connect with your ultimate sense of power and vitality. As you take time to make contact with the energy that created you, it is like plugging in to re-charge, turning up your energy frequency, adding an extra dimension to your life and putting on your armor against negative vibrations. It’s probably one of the most important things any of us can do regularly, but we have to make time and space for it. It doesn’t just happen without any effort. So how do we make the connection? Some of the tools for Going to the Source include, but are not limited to the following: prayer, meditation, spiritual studies, practicing mindfulness, yoga, tai chi, journaling, deep breathing exercises, spending time in nature and learning to be fully present in the moment. These are all exercises and practices any of us can make a part of our daily lives if we choose, to help stay close to our source energy and keep our vibrations high. The beautiful thing is that our source is always available, and strongly desires to be in constant contact with every one of us. It is merely we who have to allow its presence in and make time, space and energy for the connection.
Living in a state of connection or disconnection to source is always a choice each of us gets to make moment by moment and day by day. And making the commitment to maintain a connection shouldn’t be viewed as an obligation, for it’s truly a grand privilege and honor. Truthfully there are so many health benefits in mind, body and spirit for staying plugged into our essence. The downside of being disconnected to source is that our lives can easily start to feel dull, unexciting, blah and unfulfilling. If you unplug your computer from charging, the charge typically runs out merely in a matter of hours. And it isn’t much different with our connection to source energy. The connection quickly fades without being nurtured for even just a few days. Without sustaining a connection to our inner power, our essence, we can easily be consumed by fear, anxiety, worry, self-doubt and uncertainty, and life just seems to lose its lack and luster.
So here’s the thing, choosing to connect, or not to connect to source energy is basically about choosing love, or fear. The point is we can live in fear and timidness, or in power and boldness. If we choose fear and always play it safe, this is not really living. A great life isn’t about safety and comfort, it’s about growth, adventure, passion, enthusiasm, inspiration and excitement. And these things arise from choosing love and having an inner connection to our spirit, to source. We were not meant to live boring, unfulfilling lives, rather we were meant to be bold, fearless, hopeful, to have lives of joy, passion and excitement. And when we take time to nurture our connection to source, we add much more joy, happiness and fulfillment to our plates. Going to the Source isn’t always easy. It can demanding and may even feel like a chore at times. It sometimes requires taking the road less travelled, walking our own unique paths and exercising our spiritual muscles. But this practice and discipline is truly a worthwhile endeavor and will never leave you in the dark, rather on the contrary, it will help illuminate your path, inspire your days and give you an ever-renewed sense of peace, tranquility and serenity.
Copyright Justin Topik, Peace Passion Positivity 2023,
All rights reserved, except for use in brief quotations and reviews,
which include authors’ name